Recycling yard waste is an important part of your overall recycling program. Yard waste accounts for about half of all municipal solid waste, so it’s important that we find ways to reduce and reuse as much yard waste as possible.
At KJ Haul Away Junk Removal, we make it easy to recycle your yard waste. We provide residential and commercial junk removal services in the Cedar Rapids area and in surrounding cities in Iowa. Our recycling program is designed to help you reduce the amount of yard waste that goes into landfills.
What is Yard Waste?
Yard waste is any plant material that grows in your yard. It includes leaves, grass clippings and branches up to 6 inches in diameter. Yard waste does not include stumps or roots.
Our experts at KJ Haul Away Junk Removal are trained to know what is and isn’t yard waste, so you won’t have to worry about having your items improperly disposed of. We take care of all the work – from hauling away your yard waste to recycling it.
Why Should You Recycle Yard Waste?
Recycling yard waste is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, save money and help the environment. Here are some of the benefits:
- It’s better for the environment.
When you recycle yard waste instead of sending it to a landfill, you’re reducing the amount of organic material in landfills. This helps prevent methane gas from being released into the atmosphere as well as reducing groundwater contamination from leachate seeping through old trash piles at landfills (methane is a potent greenhouse gas).
- It saves space in landfills.
Yard trimmings make up about 30 percent of all municipal solid waste discarded by homeowners each year; recycling them means less space needed for trash disposal!
- Reduces need for new landfills or incinerators
It’s estimated that if all yard trimmings were composted instead of thrown away, we would save enough landfill space over time to fill more than 1 billion football fields! That’s enough room for 10 million people’s homes with plenty left over!
- Reduces pollution and its effects on human health
Burning yard trimmings in incinerators releases toxins into the air. Composting reduces these emissions by capturing carbon dioxide and methane, both greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.
How to Recycle Yard Waste
There are many ways to recycle yard waste. First, look for a composting facility near you. If there isn’t one, talk to your local waste authority about starting one—many communities have programs that accept yard trimmings from residents at no charge!
You can also dig holes in your garden and bury the trimmed material, or place it on top of existing soil with worms or other decomposers (like fungi). This is a great way to get rid of unwanted plants and make new soil for your garden. You can also find compost bins at hardware stores or online, where you can purchase them or build one yourself.
Composting Your Yard Waste
Composting your yard waste is a great way to recycle and help the environment. Composting is a natural process that turns organic material into fertilizer, which can be used to fertilize plants or gardens. It’s easy, too! You can do it at home with your own compost bin or make one from recycled materials like old crates or garbage cans.
Composting also saves money because you won’t have to buy fertilizer for your garden anymore–you’ll be making it yourself! And if you’re interested in reducing your carbon footprint by reducing how much trash ends up in landfills (which releases methane gas), then composting is another fantastic way for you to achieve this goal!
Recycling vs Composting: Which is Better?
Recycling is a great way to reduce waste, but it’s not always the best option. Composting your yard waste can be done in your own backyard and is an environmentally-friendly process. It’s also good for your lawn, so it’s a win-win!
The difference between composting and recycling is that composting uses natural processes (such as decomposition) to break down organic materials into soil amendments like mulch or fertilizer. Recycling uses mechanical means like shredding paper into tiny pieces before processing it into new products–it doesn’t involve any biological processes at all!
Looking for Better Ways to Recycle Your Yard Waste in Cedar Rapids?
We hope that this article has helped you understand how to recycle your yard waste and compost it, as well. We know that it can be confusing at first, but we encourage you to keep reading and learning about these processes. The more informed you are about them, the better off everyone will be! At KJ Haul Away Junk Removal , we’re committed to helping you find the best ways to recycle your yard waste in Cedar Rapids. If you have any questions about our services or how we can help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!